Kairali committee would like to thank each one of you for your wholehearted participation in the Arangu 2022. We will compile the videos of all the participants and post the video to our youtube channel.
Please find the results below:
Classical Solo Male - Junior
First Place: Rishabh Menon
Second Place: Avighnay Sankar
Classical Solo Female - Junior
Jiyana Jijesh
Non-classical Solo Female - Junior
Mantra Sanj Nair
Non-classical Solo Female - Senior
Sharanya Nair
Classical Solo - Senior
First Place: Srinethe Sukesh
Second Place: Irene Jinto
Non-classical Solo- Junior
Mantra Sanj Nair
Non-classical Group - Junior
Amegha Sreeparvathy Siji, Anugraha Sreeparvathy Siji, Devinanda Jyothish Kaimal, Riketha Menon
Non-classical Group - Adult
Soumya Sudhakar, Deepthi Rajagopal, Sruti Vinodh, Sikha Renjith, Sneha Nambiar